

Topics and description

Negotiation mandate

The nature and extent of authority delegated to the negotiating parties. This may include the parameters for negotiations, such as the objective and purpose of the negotiations, instructions, authorization, and terms of reference to the negotiating parties.

Rules of Procedures

The formal rules are adopted to govern the way the negotiations undertake business and adopt decisions. 

Zone of application

The geographical delineation and territories for which the treaty is binding and in force. 


The range and description of the topics and subject matter to be considered during the negotiations and in the treaty.



Definitions to clarify the meaning and application of treaty elements, concepts, and terms used in the text.

Basic Prohibitions 

Activities and actions restricted by the treaty: what state parties are not allowed to do.


Binding legal requirements and duties state parties are obliged to fulfill.

Transfer, transit, and station  

The prohibitions, rights, and responsibilities of member states and other relevant parties regarding the transfer, transit, and station of the weapons covered under the treaty.


Scope, procedures, and instruments for determining state parties’ compliance with the treaty obligations and prohibitions, and to inform or trigger a compliance investigation process, as well as providing information to confirm or refute compliance-related allegations.


Peaceful applications

Applications with purposes authorized under the treaty, including state parties’ rights and means to ensure access to these applications.


Fissile Materials, enrichment, and reprocessing

Permissions, prohibitions, or limitations on acquiring fissile materials, including uranium enrichment activities and capabilities, and plutonium separation activities and capabilities.


The process and procedures aimed at determining whether a state party is fulfilling its obligations as stipulated in the treaty, including examination of instances involving suspected or alleged non-compliance with the treaty’s provisions.


Measures and procedures to redress non-compliance situations and bring back states into compliance.

Institutional Arrangements  

The structure and responsibilities of the overseeing and implementing body of the treaty.

Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) 

Procedures and arrangements to reduce tension and build mutual trust between parties.

National implementation 

Measures undertaken by the state to comply with the treaty and fulfill its obligations.

Signature and Ratification 

Conditions and procedures establishing the consent of a state to be politically and legally bound by the treaty.

Entry into force

The manner, conditions, and date on which the treaty takes effect and comes to have legal force.


The period through which the treaty is binding and in force.


A statement made by a state when ratifying, accepting, signing, or acceding to the treaty whereby it intends to exclude or modify the legal effect and application of specific provisions in the treaty to the state.


Rules and procedures under which a state could withdraw its consent to be bound by the treaty.


Rules and procedures governing the introduction and adoption of formal alterations and variations to the treaty provisions.


The designation of the depository (one or various states or organizations) and their functions and powers.

Review process 

The process and objectives for reviewing the treaty’s implementation, compliance, and status after the treaty’s entry into force.

Dispute Settlement, consultation, and clarification 

Procedures for requesting clarifications or initiating consultations on matters of compliance or resolving disputes over compliance or the interpretation and application of the treaty’s provisions.


A subsidiary instrument annexed to the treaty establishes additional rights and obligations or provides details of specific substantive obligations or ancillary matters, such as the interpretation of specific provisions.


Working methodology of the UNGA-mandated Conference

The practices and procedures adopted to facilitate the negotiating process in the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction. They are related to, but distinct from, the rules of procedures.


The relationship between the Zone and the NPT 

Issues relevant to the linkages between the NPT and the Zone.

The relationship between the Conference and the NPT

Issues relevant to the linkages between the NPT and the UNGA-mandated conference.

Broader representation (including civil society, gender, and youth)  

Issues related to increased representation, involvement, and the role of groups such as civil society, youth, and women in the Zone negotiations, realization, and implementation.

Universal participation

The participation of all state members and other relevant parties.

Threat perception

Perceived threats with nature relevant to the treaty’s scope and mandate and the security context of the Middle East.

Regional Security

The relationship between the Zone and regional security.

Relevant treaties and agreements

Issues relevant to international and regional treaties, agreements or arrangements covering arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation.
